Heart attacks today do not see age. The main cause of heart disease is an unhealthy lifestyle. Check out the following heart attack prevention tips.
Heart attacks are usually caused by coronary heart disease, which is a disorder that occurs when the heart’s blood vessels are blocked by plaque.
Although there is no way to know for sure when a heart attack occurs, there are several risk factors that you can observe.
Generally, these risk factors are associated with modifiable lifestyles. So, what can we do to prevent heart attacks?
1. Maintain Blood Pressure
Have you ever measured your blood pressure? If not, then immediately measure your blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the risk factors for coronary heart disease.
Reduce your salt intake and take high blood pressure medication regularly to control your blood pressure.
2. Maintain Cholesterol Levels
You also need to pay attention to cholesterol values. One of the cholesterol parameters that you need to pay attention to is LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins).
This cholesterol is often known as bad cholesterol because it plays a role in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in heart disease.
By keeping all cholesterol levels within normal limits, you are also taking steps to prevent sudden heart attacks.
3. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels
Diabetes mellitus or high blood sugar is a condition that is often associated with heart disease. Uncontrolled high blood sugar levels can cause damage to blood vessels, including blood vessels in the heart.
Therefore, do not hesitate to check your blood sugar levels and make sure your blood sugar is controlled.
4. Stop and Avoid Exposure to Cigarette Smoke
Smoking is the most dangerous risk factor and the easiest to eliminate its effects. Smokers are twice as likely to have a heart attack than nonsmokers.
By quitting smoking from now on, the risk of heart attack will gradually decrease.
5. Keep Your Weight Stable
If you are currently obese, then make efforts to lose weight. You can lose weight by following a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Waist circumference and reduced fat percentage will directly prevent and reduce your risk of having a heart attack.
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6. Exercise Regularly
Not only can you maintain an ideal body weight, exercise can also increase the resistance of the heart and lungs. When the resistance of these two organs is good, your fitness level also increases.
Take time to do aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling. You can do this exercise with moderate intensity 3-5 times a week with a duration of 30 to 60 minutes.
7. Eating Healthy Food
Research says that unstable chemical components or called free radicals make the body vulnerable to heart attacks. Because, free radicals can trigger the occurrence of plaque blockage in the blood vessels (atherosclerosis).
These free radicals can be neutralized by antioxidants from foods containing vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. In addition, avoid consuming foods containing saturated fat, and limit consumption of red meat and sugar to prevent heart attacks.
Increase the consumption of sea fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains so that the heart is always healthy.
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8. Avoid Alcoholic Drinks
Avoid Alcoholic Drinks
According to research, drinking a glass of red wine every day can help prevent heart attacks. However, alcohol consumption more than that will actually harm the health of the heart and organ systems as a whole.
To maintain maximum body health, you should avoid or not consume alcoholic beverages.
9. Avoid Stress
Stress is not a major risk factor for heart disease. However, stress is also often a trigger for heart attacks.
There’s nothing wrong with doing relaxation exercises through meditation, yoga, or just recreation to reduce stress levels.
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10. Check with the Doctor
Many people hesitate and are afraid to do a health check or medical check up. In fact, this examination can detect various risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Once detected, these various risk factors can be prevented and treated deal with it early on. So, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.
Although coronary heart disease cannot be predicted with certainty when it occurs, there are various risk factors that can be considered. By dealing with these risk factors, you can help prevent the risk of a heart attack.